RO: Despre minunile care ies din mainile Biancai si despre cat e de talentata si creativa, am mai vorbit si in alte postari. Iar daca anul trecut lansase colectia aceea bestiala in care aducea in prim plan arta islamica, ei bine, colectia de anul acesta are ca piesa de rezistenta dantela. Si adevarul e ca nu-i lucru usor sa simulezi efectul acela atat de fin si pretios al dantelei pe un material atat de dur si robust ca pielea. Cert e ca toate produsele din noua colectie arata impecabil, iar sandalele cu panglici negre sunt dementiale -presupunem ca vor umple pagina noastra de Instagram vara aceasta Si apropo, nu c-am fi redescoperit roata, dar acum doua weekenduri am dat si noi (in sfarsit!!) de restaurantul NOR, cel care face parte din acelasi grup cu Stadio si Social 1. Si da, e complet adevarat ca te cam simti cu capul in nori aici iar privelistea de sus e dementiala!
EN: We already talked in several other posts about the gorgeous things made by the creative and talented Bianca. And if last year she launched that amazing collection where she promoted the Islamic art, oh well, this year lace is la piece de resistance. And the truth is that it is not easy at all to simulate that gentle and precious effect that lace has, especially on such a rough and robust material as leather. One thing is for sure: all the products from the latest collection are impeccable and the sandals with black straps are simply to die for – we assume you will see quite a lot of them this year on our Instagram page 🙂 And by the way, not that we’ve rediscovered the wheel, but two weekends ago we’ve been to NOR restaurant for the first time (finaaaaaally!), the one that is part of the same group as Stadio and Social 1. And yup, it is completely true that you feel like being in the clouds here and the view from up above is speechless!