RO: Patru zile in Insulele Azore (insula mai degraba, ca am vazut doar Sao Miguel) au trecut de parca nici n-au fost! Un hotel abandonat in varf de Laguna Sete Cidades, o priveliste dementiala cu toata marea de verde in zare, ocean la stanga, ocean la dreapta (ca doar latimea insulei la centru nu depaseste 8 kilometri), piscine naturale si colo si colo, o plantatie de ceai, o cascada ascunsa undeva la capatul lumii, o plaja pustie in nord la Viola, valuri zgomotoase si spumoase care se izbesc de stanci, hortensii mov-albastre pe marginea drumului, un apus de te apuca plansul la bar la TuKaTuLa, in nordul insulei, pe plaja Santa Barbara, un mini castel in mijloc de Sao Miguel, satuce abandonate pe la vest, un orasel alb imaculat la Nordeste si multe, dar tare, tare multe pasteis de nata proaspete, abia scoase din cuptor. Nici nu stii ce ti-a placut mai mult in toata nebunia asta! Cert e ca ne intoarcem, si asta cat de curand posibil! Si chiar daca Azorele nu prea au nici in clin, nici in maneca cu arta islamica, minunatiile de pantofi-saboti de la Bianca Georgescu s-au integrat in peisajul azorean cum nu se poate mai bine! Pacat ca nu ne-a picat fisa sa ii pozam pe strazile si canalele amsterdameze, in cele doua escale, dus-intors, ca tot sunt sabotii simbolul Olandei 🙂 Dar nu e timpul pierdut! Pana una alta continuam proiectul #designeriromaniprinlume cu noua colectie a Biancai, lucrata complet manual, cu insertii islamice inspirate din natura. Materialele folosite sunt absolut fenomenale, texturile la fel, culorile sunt dementiale, iar fiecare produs in parte are povestea lui. Ca sa nu mai spunem ca am vazut filmuletul de pe site (cu prezentarea intregului proces de creatie, cap coada) de esnpe mii de ori, si parca de fiecare data e tot mai interesant! N-avem cuvinte sa spunem cat suntem de mandri de Bianca si cat de mult ne bucuram sa ii promovam produsele peste tot in lumea asta!
EN: Four days in the Azores Islands (only one island more precisely, as we only visited Sao Miguel) have passed really fast. An abandoned hotel on top of the mountain at Lagoa de Sete Cidades, a stunning view with all the green landscape at a distance, ocean to the left, ocean to the right (as the width of the island in the center is no more than 8 kilometers), natural pools here and there, a tea plantation, a waterfall hidden somewhere in the middle of nowhere, a deserted beach up north, at Viola, smacking and soapy waves crashing into the rocks, purple-blue hydrangeas on the wayside, a sunset to die for at TuKaTuLa bar, in the northern part of the island, at Santa Barbara beach, a mini castle in the middle of Sao Miguel, abandoned villages in the west, an immaculate white small town at Nordeste and many, but really way too many freshly baked pasteis de nata, right out of the oven! You can’t even say what you loved most from all this madness! But we will for sure come back soon! And even though the Azores islands don’t have much to do with the Islamic art, the gorgeous clogs from Bianca Georgescu have blended in perfectly in the Azores landscape! Such a pity that we did not realize that we should photograph them on the Amsterdam’s streets and canals in the two stopovers we had in The Netherlands, as we all know that clogs are the symbol of the country 🙂 But we have plenty of time to do that next time! Until then we continue our #designeriromaniprinlume project with Bianca‘s new collection, completely handmade, with Islamic insertions inspired by nature. The materials used are absolutely phenomenal, the textures as well, the colors are stunning, and each product has its own story. Not to mention the movie from the website (where the whole process of creation is presented, from top to toe), we’ve seen it countless time and it seems more and more interesting each time! We have no words to describe how proud we are of Bianca and how happy we are to promote her products all around the world!