Cluj Design Days
Cluj Design Days
This year we had the pleasure to be one of the 40 designers selected to exhibit at Cluj Design Days. Yey! This event is the biggest fair of products handmade in Transylvania. Organized by MUSE and Dunga, the event consisted of a pop-up store, exhibitions, designer talks, cocktail parties and DJ sets. One of the coolest moments was a unique fashion show, where young actresses improvised dance moves dressed in clothes and accessories signed by Romanian designers. It was really awesome!
We have attended many fairs, but this one will remain in our hearts. Why? Except the fact that the organizers were brilliant and they’ve made huge efforts to get it right, we’ve simply fallen in love with people from Cluj-Napoca. You guys are the best ♥
It just so happened that, on the last night before returning to Bucharest, we had a small incident with our car. Two girls, uninitiated in the art of repairing cars, we found ourselves in the middle of Cluj-Napoca with a car that barely got us to the service we found on Google (which apparently was just a nonstop vulcanisation). It was pretty scary.
But there we found some great guys, who came to help us outside their work hours, on a Saturday at midnight. Moreover, they were willing to come on a Sunday also to finish the reparations, together with the man we found on OLX with the replacement part. He was so cool that he stayed to see if the piece matched before making the deal. The planets could have been aligned perfectly, still if it wasn’t for this great people, we would have had no change to get out of this situation so well. Pheu!
Maybe you’ll think that this unfortunate event would have spoiled it all, but in retrospective it only added more charm to the whole experience à la Cluj. Thank you beautiful people and we look forward to seeing you again soon! ♥